An important and essential function of VSP for each county that participates is the creation of a local, public county committee called the VSP Work Group. The work group is designated by a county under RCW 36.70A.715.
"The work group must include broad representation of key watershed stakeholders and, at a minimum, representatives of agricultural and environmental groups, and tribes that agree to participate."
The work group develops the local VSP work plan; identifies a lead entity for VSP outreach and implementation of the plan; and provides progress reports to the SCC. In conjunction with a designated VSP program coordinator, the work group meets regularly to discuss VSP and works to support the successful implementation of VSP for their county.
JOIN VSP The Douglas County Voluntary Stewardship Program is seeking 2 new member for its eight-member work group. We are looking for community members, especially those who are actively farming, to represent local agricultural interests. See the application form.
Completed applications should be sent to info@fostercreekcd.org with "VSP Work Group Application" in the subject line. Applications will be accepted until October 20th, 2024.
Work Group Resources Archive
Access VSP Work Group resources such as reports and meeting minutes.