Invasive weed species in Douglas County can cause loss of wildlife habitat, biodiversity, and increased costs to the agricultural community. In 2000, FCCD began partnering with Washington State University Extension to identify the major invasive weeds within Douglas County and begin distributing biological control insects to help control their populations.
We can currently provide biological control insects for the following weed species:
Dalmation toadflax -- agent Mecinus janthiniformis (foliage feeding/stem boring beetle)
Diffuse, Spotted, & Meadow Knapweed -- agent Larinus minutus (seed eating beetle)
Russian knapweed -- agents Aulacidea acroptilonica (gall forming wasp) or Jaapiella ivannikovi (shoot-tip gall midge, prefers moist areas throughout the growing season)
Common Mullein -- agent Rhinusa tetra (seed eating beetle)
Unfortunately, we cannot provide biological controls for Canadian Thistle at this time.
Biocontrols Distributed First Come, First Serve
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