Benchmarks are established to help achieve different objectives that have been decided on by the county's working group members. These objectives collectively work towards obtaining the overall county goal, which meet requirements of the Growth Management Act established by Washington State.

What Do Benchmarks Do?
Help track progress towards parameters set forth by the state, which each county involved in VSP need to meet, to prevent regulatory measures.
Comprised of goal acreage set for different critical areas. Certain activities help add acreage to these benchmarks, which help achieve the county goal.
Producer input is critical to meet these benchmarks. By voluntarily participating in VSP and informing involved entities, like Foster Creek CD, of different land management operations, these benchmarks are more easily obtained, preventing the need for regulation throughout the county.
View Douglas County's Benchmark Progress
Douglas County Producer Survey
The producer survey is the number one way to help our county's working group track progress towards meeting the goals in the VSP work plan. The information you provide about the conservation efforts that your farm already has underway will help avoid future regulations on our county. Working together in this program, we can continue to benefit agricultural viability while protecting the natural habitat and critical areas of Douglas County.
VSP's success depends on Douglas County agricultural producers' participation. All response data is anonymous and aggregated. Please click the link button below to complete the VSP survey!